
The best pay as you go flex bot

Turbo Blocks is the most advanced flex bot on the market. With our proprietary AI and pay as you go system, you only pay for blocks when you work!

Flexibility & Speed

Custom Filters

Pay as You Go


Instant Notifications

Referrals & Rewards

Telegram Support

Pay As You Go

  • Only pay when you work
  • Instant captcha solving
  • Customizable filter options
  • Telegram notifications and support
  • Instant notifications
  • Referral and rewards

The most advanced Flex Bot

Increased Earnings

Increase your driving productivity and earn more with Turbo Block’s advanced capabilities.

Time Saved

Spend less time refreshing and more time earning with the best flex bot on the market.

Pay for usage

The flexibility of paying for your usage means you no longer are stuck paying a weekly fee!

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not here, please contact us via Telegram 

Turbo Blocks uses the power of automation and AI to help you secure flex blocks faster and more efficiently. 

The flexibility of a pay as you go bot means you are no longer stuck paying upfront or weekly fees for without the guarantee of catching blocks. 

Turbo Blocks uses advanced intelligence and automation programming to protect your account against bot detection. 

Yes! Our advanced captcha system means that you don’t get stuck solving puzzles manually.

No you don’t! Turbo Blocks is a hybrid web application, which means you can leave the search running without having to stay in the app screen.

Your satisfaction is our number one priority. If you have refilled your account with a balance and have not caught any blocks within a week. we will refund you. 

How does Turbo Blocks work?

Turbo Blocks uses the power of automation and AI to help you secure flex blocks faster and more efficiently. 

Why pay as you go?

The flexibility of a pay as you go bot means you are no longer stuck paying upfront or weekly fees for without the guarantee of catching blocks. 

How do you protect my account?

Turbo Blocks uses advanced intelligence and automation programming to protect your account against bot detection. 

Does your bot solve CAPTCHA?

Yes! Our advanced captcha system means that you don’t get stuck solving puzzles manually.

Do I have to leave the app open to search?

No you don’t! Turbo Blocks is a hybrid web application, which means you can leave the search running without having to stay in the app screen.

What is your refund policy?

Your satisfaction is our number one priority. If you have refilled your account with a balance and have not caught any blocks within a week. we will refund you.